Dansk Data Arkiv

Search for household

Search result at the bottom of this page.

Household information:

Individual Information:

You can search an interval: Ctrl+1st year followed by Ctrl+2nd year. Or in a year group by clicking one year.


Search tips

Click on the headlines below and get help for your search

Generally about searching
In the name box, there should always be at least 3 characters.
KIPno can replace parish, district and year
Display of district and parish
When you have chosen a county, the district- and parish boxes will show. Only places that are transcribed will be shown.
Uncertain of the spelling?
You can type your search with exact spelling or you can use a 'joker' symbol. A '_' replaces one character and a '%' replaces more characters.
Danish characters
When using a keyboard without the Danish characters 'æ','ø' and 'å' you can type the characters by using a combination of the [Alt] key and one of the following numbers: 'æ' = 230, 'Æ'= 198, ø= 248, Ø= 216, å = 229 , Å = 197