Dansk Data Arkiv


Censuses are a good source for finding information about ancestors. You can find information about age, occupation, civil status and whom a person lived with. From 1834 the censuses were often conducted every 5th year. At the moment we have the largest amount of data transcribed from censuses and it is more likely to find the individuals you are looking for here. Data is divided between counties as they were before 1970. You can choose between multiple search options: with or without place suggestion, simple or more advanced search, in one or more counties, and finally you can search for a household/family at the same time, when you know who have lived together.

About the Source Entry Project (KIP)

The work to transcribe these sources is done by volunteers. The project is a managed by the Danish National Archives and the Source Entry Committee with the purpose of creating a large database with free and open access for everybody. The project began in 1992. In 2012 we had a reception. We have gathered an overview of the progress where you can follow the development of the project with transcriptions

Last updated May 8th, 2024