Dansk Data Arkiv

Documentation of the source entry - B5000

Maribo county, Lollands Nørre parish, Nakskov Landsogn, census year 1845

This entry is done by: Flemming Svendsen
Proof reading done by: Jens Kjær
Number of records: 188
The entry has been done like this:
Begun: Ended: 5/19/1999 Corrected: 4/9/2003
Source: Protokol FKT 1845 bind 83, siderne 61-64 og 215-220
Source Location: Dansk Data Arkiv
Nakskov Landsogn bestod af landsbyerne Abildtorpe go Krukholm til d.1 April 1921 hvor de indlemmedes i Nakskov by.